Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

A Meeting of the Minds

...Finally all of the Garcia Brothers walked in....I can see the spark in all of their eyes as they find their seats around the large oval table. Moments earlier prior to the start of the meeting, I had prepped the video camera to document our first awaited and needed meeting. On this day, the Virus room will lose its virginity to the rap of the talents within its walls. It is funny how television and radio create a false sense of reality as it feeds on the individuals personal perspective to his or her projection. On this day, these artists remained outside, I was clearly collaborating with self made entrepreneurs. The Goal of the meeting was to identify, organize and strategically implement a marketing campaign to socially connect and network all the entity's under the Virus Label...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Finding a Publisher

Second entree: March 27, 2010

...It's Saturday, the air is crisp and spring seems that it wants to emerge from its Wisconsin winter cocoon. Mario and I our the only ones in the studio today, Scribe and Payback may come in today depending weather or not they decide to spend time with there families. Mario is administrating the client labels for shipping in the conference room. I am researching and surfing the net. My goal is to get the 411 on all of the other production companies in the direct area. If we are to bust out and lead the industry with pioneering content and production style, then I feel we must first evaluate the local markets. Earlier this morning, again while I was waiting for Mario to pick me up, I quickly went through the local phone book. I feel that literature in the form of a hard copy is different then digital media. They both service a similar purpose but their marketing diversities are far apart as to the exposure they attract. Print, I feel delivers a more intimate relationship and very hands on. But again, digital is becoming more closer to home as the population diversifies. My main purpose of evaluating both marketing mediums are to fine continuity in the product. This will help me to understand the market and how I can help distribute our brand into it. Not only do I have to worry about the creative product we produce, but how to successfully expose it into the field and market place. It becomes a science, I think. I am excited because we have the resources and access to successfully launch our brand. Many great artist have so many hybrid ideas which unfortunately never get the access to get is a shame. There is nothing more frustrating for a "True independent Artist" to invent or create a genius innovation and leaving that idea confined within an unpublished book tucked away in old back pack somewhere. Grano Films, has now become my needed creative publisher...

Friday, March 26, 2010


First Blog entree: Friday-March 26, 2010

...Waiting on the front stoop of my new Milwaukee apartment, I can see Mario pulling up into the drive way. He doesn't realize that I am standing there as I have been patiently been waiting for him for the past 30 minutes. Mario the youngest of the Garcia Brothers at the ripe age of 22. A young talented kid, a kinda of kid that has been groomed by the talents of his older siblings, but creative and independent enough to launch his own artistic endeavor expression. It is now 8:45 am, we are heading to the Studio. We have been designated to be the early birds and prep the premises for the arrival of Manuel (Scribe), Lalo (El Chivo) and Javier( DJ Pay back). On our car ride to the studio, Mario decides he needs a large ass coffee from McDonald's, I silently couldn't agree more as Mario is struggling a bit on being punctual thus far. After ordering our coffee we proceed forward to the first drive- thru window, where we see the same go- happy drive-thru girl as she busts out her cool aid smile staring down Mario. A few days ago, she offered us a free apple pie and today she asked us if we would like to try some free samples? Sense when does Mcd;'s offer free samples, I am thinking? Unknown to the very generous drive- thru attendant, I was once a swing manger for the franchise giant back in the day. I think her version of "free samples" was... "I am going to hook your asses up". At least this is what my "free samples" meant when I too worked for the golden arches back in the day. It is funny what flash backs come into mind, from a simple conversation with the right people at the right moment in time. I am sure we all experience this from time to time. Shortly after receiving "our Free samples" courtesy of Mcd's of-course and throwing in this plug for them, Mario busted out into a hypothetical situation about "2012". "The end of the world..." So being that I am spiritually connected to the imaginational notion, I was lured into the "what if" conversation. All I can say is that, the youth certainly have a video game perspective...I realized that my goal with this newly established production company is, punctuality. I, being from the Old school, my alarm is set to go off at 6:30 every morning. I was ready to jet out the door by 7:30 this morning...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Launching of Grano Films

Welcome to Grano Films.

Grano Films is proud to bring a diversity of urban independence and social awareness content to the visual foregrounds.
As it's producers, we strongly believe in educating our audiences through a medium of artistic ideologies and metaphoric expression.

Virus Enterprises, Grano Film's parent company, is lead by the multi talented Garcia Brothers and Latin Billboard music winners, "Kinto Sol".

We will use this Blog to document, educate and keep or audience currently connected to our progressive growth. We also feel and strongly believe, that it is our loyal fans that contribute to the success of our artistic endeavors. "It is you" that helps to stimulate our creativity and vision to bring pioneering content forth. We take pride in remaining "the people's film company." From a seed we will cultivate, from a branch we will stimulate....and from a tree we will deliver life!

Welcome to Grano Films.

Thank you,

Daniel Herrera

Director and Co-Producer

Grano Films